The national competition of the SHAPE OF LIFE festival includes eleven films that were released in 2020 - 2021. Among them are the films "My friend Yeti" (directed by Vladimir Krivov, "Lady No. 13" (directed by Alexander Bryntsev), "Roerich. The Northern Odyssey" (directed by Sergey Tsikhanovich). The festival will also feature a new film by Yulia Byvsheva "Ground Zero" and screenings of the films "Shulgan-Tash" (directed by Dmitry Zavigelsky), "Ecosystems" (directed by Yulia Bobkova), "Land of Kereks" (directed by Ivan Golovnev), "Buromsky Island" (directed by Olga Stefanova), "Pulse" (directed by Daria Kuznetsova).
Two pictures of the national competition focus not on the stories of people, but on the stories of animals. This is a film by Vladimir Marin "A short tutorial on raising seals" and a picture by Dmitry Shpilenok and Vladislav Grishin "Sockeye Salmon. Red fish".